Friday, January 18, 2019

mathematics - Halve or diminish, and race to unity!

Alice and Bob are playing a game. In the beginning, the integer $9172016$ is written on a blackboard. In a move, a player, can:

  • either decrease the number on the board by $1$ (i.e., replace $n$ by $n-1$), or

  • halve the number, and round it up to the next integer if a fraction is obtained (i.e., replace $n$ by $\left\lceil \frac{n}{2}\right\rceil$).

As always, Alice moves first, and then they make moves in turns. The first person to get to $1$ wins.

Assuming both players play perfectly, who is going to win the game?

Source: St. Petersburg Math Olympiad, 2001.


The winner will be


More generally,

when the number on the board is even, the player whose turn it is will win.


When the number is 2, you can move to 1 and win immediately. Suppose some larger even number is a second-player win (i.e., in this position the player who just played will win with best play). Consider the smallest instance where this happens; call it $2n$. If this position is a second-player win then every position you can move to from it must be a first-player win; in particular $2n-1$ and $n$ are both first-player wins. And since $2n$ is the smallest even-numbered position that's a second-player win, $2n-2$ must also be a first-player win. But now the moves available from $2n-1$ are to $2n-2$ and to $n$; those positions are both first-player wins so $2n-1$ is a second-player win. Contradiction.

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