Monday, April 22, 2019

word - Riddles/puzzles having answer hidden in the question?

Can you give any example of riddles or puzzles in which the answers are someway "cleverly hidden" inside the question? I think that such examples are more common in word-related riddles, but maybe similar ones can be found also in numeric puzzles? Who knows?

I'm italian, and there's a very common riddle in italian language which says: "Nomina una parola qualunque contenente tre lettere U" (translated: "Name whatever word containing three 'U's "); the funny thing is that the italian word "QUALUNQUE" (a really really common word) is maybe one of the few actually containing three U letters...). That's what makes this riddle really clever and someway surprising when you reveal the answer...

So, do you know any other example in english language?

(Sorry if this is not a real riddle, but I think it can be interesting to discuss this topic)


I'll confess that I've always had a fondness for the Jester's riddle from Zork Zero:

"I once heard of a bookkeeper who, while working on the accounts of the Frobozz Magic Balloon Company, noted that the word 'balloon' has two double letters in a row! Stretching his limited imagination to the limit, this bookkeeper wondered if there were any words with THREE double letters in a row. He couldn't think of one -- but I'll bet that YOU can!"

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