Saturday, January 5, 2019

general relativity - How precisely does a star collapse into a black hole?

I think we all heard general statements like "once big enough star burns out there is nothing to prevent the gravitational collapse ending in a black hole". But I can't remember even seeing the process described precisely.

Here's the deal: at first there is a nice object, a star. Stars can be nicely modeled by general relativity, nuclear physics and statistical physics combined and very much is known about these models and it can be observed whether they agree with things like light and neutrino fluxes, surface temperature and probably also lot of other stuff I know nothing about.

After the collapse we are left with another nice object, a black hole. We know that black holes have no hair.

The question is: what happens in-between? More precisely, between the time when all of the nuclear material has been burned out (and if possible ignore effects like reheating of the star after big enough compression) and the time where there is nothing more than just a black hole.

  • Give a description of what happens during the collapse?

  • How does the star "lose its hair"?

  • Can the actual collapse be solved analytically?

  • At what point is singularity created?

Update: I don't want to know what an outside observer will see. Instead, I'd like to find out what an individual part of the dead star will "feel" when a black hole is about to form near it. In other words, I want a complete solution (ideally analytical, but numerical would be also completely fine)

Feel free to assume anything that makes your life easier. Spherical symmetry is definitely fine. Also, if for any reason the questions don't make sense (like Cauchy problem is ill-defined in the presence of the singularity) feel free to interpret them in a way that make them sensible (e.g. assume that black hole is built from D-branes).

Also, I have a feeling that what I intended as a simple question at first ended up being pretty complex. If you think it should be split into smaller (and therefore more manageable and answerable) parts, let me know.


The solution for this problem for a dust equation of state and spherical symmetry is known as the Oppenheimer-Snyder solution. You model the interior of the distribution as a FRW universe with positive spatial curvature, zero pressure, and zero cosmological constant. You model the exterior of the solution as the Schwarzschild solution cut off at a time-dependent radius. So long as the matter distribution is dust, the thing satisfies all of the junction conditions you need. See Poisson's relativity book or MTW.

A more general solution requires numerics. But one thing we can say for sure is that there is no need for the black hole to shed its 'hair' in the case of spherical symmetry--the radial dependence of the solution will just compress into the singularity eventually, or scatter out to infinity. Birchoff's theorem tells us every spherically symmetric vacuum solution must be the Schwarzschild solution (perhaps with an electrostatic charge, which is technically not vacuum). This is related to the fact that there can be no monopole radiation in relativity.

Also, the general case for this problem is very likely chaotic. Already, if the equation of state of the matter is that of a classical, spherically symmetric, Klein-Gordon field, which is a relatively simple generalization, the system exhibits a (link is a large postscript file)second-order phase transition, a result found by Matt Choptuik, and related to the settling of the Hawking naked singularity bet.

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