Sunday, January 6, 2019

string theory - About the general expression of trace anomaly and CFT partition functions

I have put up a question here,

Here I am putting up a slightly different version of that question,

  • I think the statement is that for any dimensional CFT the following is true,

$$\langle T^{\mu}_\mu \rangle = \sum B_n I_n - 2(-1)^{d/2}AE_d,$$

where $E_d$ is the `"Euler density" and $I_n$ are the independent "Weyl invariants of weight $-d$".

(...I am not sure of the definition of the geometric quantities coming on the R.H.S and I wonder if the notion of the "Euler density" and ``Weyl invariants" are related to the ideas of the Weyl tensor and the Euler tensor..)

  • Also a similar sounding statement that I see is as in equation 15 (page 5) of

    One can see the stark similarity between that the equation referred to in the linked paper and the statement of trace anomaly that I have typed in the first bullet point.

I can't find a reference to the derivation of these results and/or the relationship between these statements. It would be great if someone can help with this.

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