Saturday, March 21, 2015

general relativity - Do black holes have transient color charge?

In the membrane model, when a baryon hits the event horizon its spatially separated quarks will impact the membrane at different times.

Doesn't this necessarily mean that black holes acquire, however transiently, color charge?

That is, in addition to mass, angular momentum, and electrical charge, a full accounting of the defining characteristics of a black hole must also include color charge? (And yes, weak hypercharge too.)

One way to interpret the above is that at the moment that, say, a down quark within a neutron hits the event horizon, the entire black hole very briefly becomes a mega-down-quark with $-1/3$ electrical charge and whatever color charge the down quark had at the time of impact.

So... does this argument mean that black holes are a bit hairier that is usually asserted?

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