Wednesday, March 30, 2016

resource recommendations - Textbooks for Dyslexics: Atomic Physics

I am severely dyslexic (e.g. my reading ability is in the lowest 1st percentile) and as such I like textbooks with information clearly laid out and easily findable. An example of which is Nuclear and Particle Physics by W.S.C. Williams. To clarify I am looking for a book with (thanks to knzhou for helping me clarify this):

  1. Boxes with important results (both mathematical and not).

  2. Definitions clearly labeled (e.g. in a box or like Definition 1.2:).

  3. Examples clearly labeled etc.

I am in general looking for books on a range of subjects, but to prevent the question been closed as too broad here I am looking for books on atomic physics.

This question stems from Books on Atomic Physics in the mathematical style? which was more ambiguous then I had intended it to be and was (rightly) interpreted differently from what I had intended. This is the question I had intended to ask. It is probably worth pointing out that $\text{dyslexic } \ne \text{ stupid}$ and book suggestions can still be very rigorous.

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