Friday, March 22, 2019

wordplay - Yes, your fat ma is hers

Inspired by Elephants always get four mice.

Start with the phrase Yes, your fat ma is hers and perform the following steps, in some order, to find a famous quote:

  • Rearrange the words.

  • Remove a single letter from one word.

  • Reverse one word.

  • Remove one space.

  • Replace one word by its antonym.

  • Remove a single letter from one word.


The answer is:

No, I am your father.


Starting Phrase - Yes, your fat ma is hers.
First, take an antonym - No, your fat ma is hers.
Second, reverse - No, your fat am is hers.
Then, remove one letter - No, Your fat am I hers
Then, rearrange - No, I am your fat hers
Remove the last letter of "hers" - No, I am your fat her
Finally, remove one space - No, I am your father

This quote is from:

Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back

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