Wednesday, November 12, 2014

newtonian mechanics - Is two cars colliding at 25 mph the same as one car colliding into a wall at 50 mph in reference to injuries?

This question has been asked using 50 & 100 mph reference, see this Phys.SE post and links therein. However, I am interested in the potential injuries to occupants of the autos. As the one going into the wall has occupants going 50 miles per hour. The 2 cars have occupants in each car only going 25 mph at time of crash. Would the occupants of the 2 cars not have as much damage as the car with the wall as the 2 cars would decelerate based on the crushing of the cars. Knowing that the 2 cars would be absorbing the energy more than the 1 into the wall at 50 mph.

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