Wednesday, November 26, 2014

quantum mechanics - Motivating Complexification of Lie Algebras?

What is the motivation for complexifying a Lie algebra?

In quantum mechanical angular momentum the commutation relations

$$[J_x,J_y]=iJ_z, \quad [J_y,J_z] = iJ_x,\quad [J_z,J_x] = iJ_y$$

become, on complexifying (arbitrarily defining $J_{\pm} = J_x \pm iJ_y$)

$$[J_+,J_-] = 2J_z,\quad [J_z,J_\pm] = \pm 2J_z.$$

and then everything magically works in quantum mechanics. This complexification is done for the Lorentz group also, as well as in the conformal algebra.

There should be a unified reason for doing this in all cases explaining why it works, & further some way to predict the answers once you do this (without even doing it), though I was told by a famous physicist there is no motivation :(


From a mathematical perspective, to develop Lie algebra representation theory most efficiently, we need the field $\mathbb{F}$ of the Lie algebra to be algebraically closed. See e.g. Ref. 1, where this assumption is used already in the beginning of Chapter II.

The situation for Lie algebras is similar to when we in linear algebra try to diagonalize, say, a real normal matrix. Such a matrix is always diagonalizable in an orthonormal set of eigenvectors, but the eigenvectors and eigenvalues could be complex. Even for physical systems which are manifestly real in nature, such complex eigenvectors and complex eigenvalues are often useful concepts.

In more detail, for an $n$-dimensional Lie algebra $\frak{g}$, we would like something similar to a Chevaller-basis to exists. This means (among other things) that it should be possible to pick a Cartan subalgebra (CSA) $\frak{h}$ with generators $H_i$, $i=1,\ldots, r$; where $r$ is the rank of $\frak{g}$; and supplemented with basis elements $E_a$, $a=1, \ldots n-r$, $$ {\frak g}~=~{\rm span}_{\mathbb{F}} \left( \{ H_i | i=1,\ldots, r\} \cup \{ E_a | a=1,\ldots, n- r\}\right) ,$$ with the property that the Lie bracket $[E_a,H_i]$ is proportional to $E_a$. The $E_a$ play the role of raising and lowering operators, or equivalently, creation and annihilation operators.

All finite-dimensional semisimple complex Lie algebras has a Chevaller-basis.

Example: The Lie algebra $sl(2,\mathbb{C})$: Think of $H_i$ as $J_3$, and $E_a$ as $J_{\pm}$.

From a physical perspective weights in the facts that e.g.

  1. quantum theory uses complex Hilbert spaces, cf. this Phys.SE post and links therein;

  2. the complex Lie group $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ happens to be the (double cover of the) restricted Lorentz group $SO^{+}(3,1)$, cf. e.g. this Phys.SE post;

  3. one may speculate that it is easier to construct physically sensible theories based on the category of (complex) analytic functions rather than, say, the category of real smooth functions.


  1. J.E. Humphreys, Intro to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory, Graduate texts in Math 9, Springer Verlag.

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