Saturday, March 18, 2017

english - Double Speak Clearing House - More phrases that need rewording

When I was making this puzzle, I actually made far more Double Speak puzzles than I wound up combining into the resulting metapuzzle. I'd rather they not go to waste, so here they are.

As with the previous set, each of these phrases can be reworded into a Double Speak phrase. A Double Speak phrase has two homophones together in the same phrase. For example, to "Purchase a departure" could also be said as to "Buy a Bye".

  • The child of a star.

  • Extremely boring aircraft.

  • A ship part cheaper than usual.

  • Two identical fruits.

  • Earn a number for coming in first.

  • Created a housecleaner.

  • Celebrity who's not doing anything.

  • Look at the ocean.

  • Run from a bug.

  • Musicians who aren't allowed.

  • Acceptable cab price.

  • Use a pen correctly.

  • Glare at the steps.

  • Inheritor of the atmosphere.

  • Formerly flying blade.

There is no clever metapuzzle this time. If you find all 15 Double Speak phrases, you're done.


I think this is all of them...

The child of a star.

Son of a sun

Extremely boring aircraft.

Plain plane

A ship part cheaper than usual.

Sail on sale

Two identical fruits.

Pair of pears

Earn a number for coming in first.

Won one

Created a housecleaner.

Maid made

Celebrity who's not doing anything.

Idle Idol

Look at the ocean.

See sea

Run from a bug.

Flee from a flea

Musicians who aren't allowed.

Banned band

Acceptable cab price.

Fair fare

Use a pen correctly.

Write right

Glare at the steps.

Stare at the stairs

Inheritor of the atmosphere.

Heir of the air

Formerly flying blade.

Sword soared

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