Sunday, April 8, 2018

electromagnetism - Counting d.o.f. and gauge fixing $A_{mu}$ and $psi$ in $D$-dimensions


Let us assume we are in $D$-dimensional Minkowski space-time where $D=d+1$. Consider a free Abelian gauge theory. Then the electromagnetic field will satisfy $$\partial_{\mu}F^{\mu \nu}=0 \tag{1}$$ and this means that $\partial_{\mu} \partial_{\nu} F^{\mu \nu}$ is identically zero.


  1. The gauge field $A_{\mu}$ out of which we construct the field strength comprises $D$ independent components (the indices take a value for each dimension). Then, why people say that the field strength comprises $D-1$ independent components? How is this counting being done?

  2. And why these $D-1$ independent components are the off-shell degrees of freedom? In what sense?

  3. Finally, what happens with spinors? How many independent components has a spinor in $D$-dimensions and how do we find its off-shell degrees of freedom?

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