Thursday, September 26, 2019

computer puzzle - Debugging with printf()

Bob, a C programmer and a believer of printf-debugging, gets hired by a failing software company. The company is not doing well because they adopt an archaic source code management system which does not allow any modification to any lines of code once they are checked in.

As you can imagine, poor Bob is too excited at resolving a bug with his printf debugging technique and accidentally checked in that line of C code:

printf("OK, bug gone - this should make my nasty boss happy");

Now, he desperately wants to silence it. But the stupid system won't allow him to edit that line. He can only add new lines of code around it to cancel its effect. There are many ways to achieve that, but can you find the one which adds the fewest lines, with the fewest characters?


Well, he can do it by adding


on the line before. So that's

one extra line, five extra characters.

Or, slightly better, exploit the fact that

printf returns a value

and make that first line



one line, three characters.

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