Thursday, September 19, 2019

puzzle creation - What's our Name? (Also: improve my riddle)

I've thrown together a quick riddle inspired by the as-of-yet unsolved riddle from CodeNewbie. I don't feel like it's very solid, though, and the cadence isn't quite right. It's easy to show that the right answer fits everything but I'm worried about two things:

  1. Arriving at that right answer may not be an easily deduced answer. I like things you can solve instead of things that require an epiphany.

  2. There could be an answer I haven't thought of that fits better

Can you 1) Answer the riddle and / or 2) Once the answer is known, think of some suggestion for where it needs tightening up?

(Edited based on suggestions)

We protect wealth and have wealth ourselves
My brothers do, and I
We share the name, the same name all
I swear I do not lie

One is thoughtful, simple, kind

But rather slow at best
To ponder he must think, think, think
Under Sanders he will rest
He has a hard time hearing
When ears get all stuffed up
He was renamed at 1 year old
Causing some mixup

One told secrets and angered some
He's fled now far away
Called a traitor; booed and hissed

It's best to stay away
Others think he is a hero
And wonder how he fares
His surname was in Heller's book
Confuses polar bears

One tried to save his mother but
He failed quite miserably
It cost him an arm and leg
To fail so blatantly
This brother's brother is not my brother

Though he paid his own high price
He lost his body - saved his soul
Two brothers' sacrifice

Many brothers have been kings for sure
Thus far there are one through eight
There will sure one day be more
Of our royal ruling mates

One was only one of us
When he was not himself
His formula of wondrous hide

Should go back on the shelf

One loved riddles, puzzles, jokes
Mentally deranged bloke
He wears green and laughs too much
Not proud of all kinfolk...

Train, vampire, and bladed hands
A platypus (to kids from oughts)
We are many myriad
Our name is what is sought


Is their name


We protect wealth and have wealth ourselves
My brothers do, and I
We share the name, the same name all
I swear I do not lie

This is explaining the riddle, in addition to Edward meaning "Wealthy Guard"

One is thoughtful, simple, kind
But rather slow at best
To ponder he must think, think, think
Under Sanders he will rest
He has a hard time hearing
When ears get all stuffed up
He was renamed at 1 year old
Causing some mixup

Thanks to Engineer Toast's extra clues I now know this is Winnie the Pooh, originally his name was Edward Bear

One told secrets and angered some
He's fled now far away
Called a traitor; booed and hissed
It's best to stay away
Others think he is a hero
And wonder how he fares
His surname was in Heller's book

Confuses polar bears

Edward Snowden I believe? Is Heller's book Catch-22?

One tried to save his mother but
He failed quite miserably
It cost him an arm and leg
To fail so blatantly
This brother's brother is not my brother
Though he paid his own high price

He lost his body - saved his soul
Two brothers' sacrifice

Edward Elric - from Full Metal Alchemist

Many brothers have been kings for sure
Thus far there are one through seven
There will sure one day be more
Of our royal ruling brethren

This is referencing the British royal Family, Edward the 7th is the most recent King Edward

One was only one of us
When he was not himself
One loved riddles, puzzles, jokes
Mentally deranged

I didn't realize this was two clues thanks for the clarification. first one is Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde, second: The Riddler a.k.a Edward Nygma

Train, vampire, "monster", too

A platypus to kids from oughts
We are many myriad
Tell us, what's our name?

Train: Edward From Thomas the tank engine, Vampire: Edward Cullen from Twilight, Monster: Edward Scissor Hands (This clue was a but of a stretch), Platypus: Edward from Camp Lazlo

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