Saturday, September 28, 2019

What Am I Riddle (Part 6)

Am I real? It's up to you..
I am real, if you flip me..
But, once you flip, I may bite you...

If I spit a 'POLO', I will become a little good..
If I split a 'POLO', I will become a little more good..
If I swallow a 'POLO', I will become fully good...

Can you guess who I am???


A Polo is approximately 1.9 cm in diameter, 0.4 cm deep and has a 0.8 cm wide hole. The original Polo is white in colour with a hole in the middle, and the word 'POLO' embossed twice on one side around the ring, hence the popular slogan The Mint with the Hole.

Note: Please place your answers in spoiler tags. Also mention how you get to the answer.


Whether [a] God is real is up to personal belief. If flipped, it becomes "dog", which is something that is definitely real and can bite you.
A Polo looks like the letter "O". I don't know what the lines about spitting or splitting a 'POLO' refer to, but if "god" "swallows" an O, it becomes "good", which is certainly fully good.

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