Thursday, June 26, 2014

What are the benefits of Gravitational wave studies?

Gravitational waves were first predicted by Albert Einstein and later indirectly confirmed in an number of experiments. Recently leading physicists announced that they may have a 'solid' proof that these waves exist. I wonder why we need to spend so much money on study of this phenomena. I can see at least two reasons: 1. Confirm one of the key predictions of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. 2. Detect cataclysmic events in cosmos (such as collision of two black holes etc.)

Anything else?

Are there any benefits of this study in the fields of renewable energy (like newer, more efficient energy sources) or advanced propulsion technologies (building of faster space ships)?


scientific studies have no absolute benefit or loss as definable in human reasoning.

I think you want to ask what's the "Application" of the gravitational waves theory?

It's a very opinion based question. scientific research is neutral and it's application maybe classified as benefit (nuclear energy) or loss (nuclear armageddon) by human opinions.

That said the application may not be visible immediately but are discovered over time.

In late 1800s to early 1900s , the quantum theory and atomic models seemed very irrelevant to humanity but today 100 years after their formulation we have nuclear energy and GPS .

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