Monday, January 26, 2015

entropy - While holding an object, no work done but costs energy (in response to a similar question)

I read the answer to Why does holding something up cost energy while no work is being done?

and wanting to know more, I asked my teacher about it without telling him what I read here. Instead of referring to muscle cells and biophysics, he answered my question in terms of entropy. He told me that while my arm muscles are stretched when I hold the object, they are more ordered. When my arm is at rest and muscles are not contracted, the muscles are less ordered (more entropy). So his conclusion was that the energy is required to keep the system (my arm muscles) from going to a state of higher entropy.

However, the answer in terms of muscle cells doing work on each other (i.e the answer to the hyper-linked question) made more sense to me. Could someone please give me some intuitive sense to my teacher's answer or explain the link between the two answers if there are any...

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