Friday, June 26, 2015

statistical mechanics - Relativity of temperature paradox

The imagined scenario:

Part A:

From special relativity we know that velocity is a relative physical quantity, that is, it is dependent on the frame of reference of choice. This means that kinetic energy is also relative, but this does not undermine the law of conservation of energy as long as we are consistent with our choice of frame. So far so good.

Part B:

On the other hand, from statistical mechanics, we know that the average kinetic energy of a system and its temperature are directly related by the Boltzmann constant $$ \langle E_k \rangle = \frac{1}{2}m\langle v^2 \rangle = \frac{3}{2} k_B T $$ which leads to conclude that when the notion of temperature in physics is expressed in terms of a system's kinetic energy, then it too ought to be a relative quantity, which is a bit mind-boggling, because I had always thought of temperature as absolute.

Part C:

Furthermore, we know that all objects at non-zero temperature, radiate electromagnetic energy with a wavelength given as a function of the body/object's temperature, this is the Blackbody radiation. Thus in principle, I am able to infer an object's temperature (i.e. the temperature in its own rest-frame of reference) by measuring its emitted radiation, regardless of the frame I find myself in. But this seems to violate the previously expected relativity of temperature as defined by average kinetic energy.

Proposed resolutions:

The resolutions that I imagine to this paradox are:

  • a) Depending on the frame of reference from which I measure the emitted blackbody radiation of the object, the radiation will undergo different Doppler blue/red-shifts. Thus the relativity of the temperature in the context of blackbody radiation, is preserved due to the Doppler effect.

  • b) I suspect that treating temperature as nothing but an average kinetic energy does not in general hold true, and to resolve this paradox, one should work with a more general definition of temperature (which I admit I do not know how in general temperature ought to be defined, if not in terms of state of motion of a system's particles).

Case a) resolves this hypothetical paradox by including the Doppler effect, but does not contradict the relativity of temperature.

Case b) on the other hand, resolves the problem by challenging the definition that was used for temperature, which in the case that we define temperature more generally, without relating to kinetic energy, may leave temperature as an absolute quantity and not relative to a frame.

Main question:

  • But surely only one can be correct here. Which begs to ask: what was the logical mistake(s) committed in the above scenario? In case there was no mistake, which of the two proposed resolutions are correct? If none, what is then the answer here? Very curious to read your input.


Temperature is related to kinetic energy in the rest frame of the fluid/gas. In non-relatvistic kinetic theory the distribution function is $$ f(p) \sim \exp\left(-\frac{(\vec{p}-m\vec{u})^2}{2mT}\right) $$ where $\vec{u}$ is the local fluid velocity. The velocity can be found by demanding that the mean momentum in the local rest frame is zero. Then $\vec{u}$ transform as a vector under Galilean transformations, and $T$ is a scalar.

In relativistic kinetic theory $$ f(p) \sim \exp\left(-\frac{p\cdot u}{T}\right) $$ where $p$ is the four-momentum, $u$ is the four-velocity, and $T$ is the temperature scalar. The rest frame is defined by $\vec{u}=0$, and in the rest frame $f\sim \exp(-E_p/T)$, as expected.

The relativistic result is known as the Juttner distribution (Juttner, 1911), and is discussed in standard texts on relativistic kinetic theory, for example Cercignani and Kremer , equ. (2.124), and de Groot et al , equ (ch4)(25). See also (2.120) in Rezzolla and Zanotti. For an intro available online see equ. (55-58) of Romatschke's review. Neumaier notes that some (like Beccatini ) advocate defining a four-vector field $\beta_\mu=u_\mu/T$, and then define a frame dependent temperature $T'\equiv 1/\beta_0$. I fail to see the advantage of this procedure, and it is not what is done in relativistic kinetic theory, hydrodynamics, numerical GR, or AdS/CFT.

Ultimately, the most general definition of $T$ comes from local thermodynamics (fluid dynamics), not kinetic theory, because strongly correlated fluids (classical or quantum) are not described in kinetic theory. The standard form of relativistic fluid dynamics (developed by Landau, and explained in his book on fluid dynamics) also introduces a relarivistic 4-velocity $u_\mu$ (with $u^2=1$), and a scalar temperature $T$, defined by thermodynamic identities, $dP=sdT+nd\mu$. The ideal fluid stress tensor is $$ T_{\mu\nu}=({\cal E}+P) u_\mu u_\nu -Pg_{\mu\nu} $$ where ${\cal E}$ is the energy density and $P$ is the pressure. Note that for a kinetic system the parameter $u_\mu$ in the Juttner distribution is the fluid velocity, as one would expect. More generally, the fluid velocity can be defined by $u^\mu T_{\mu\nu}={\cal E}u_\nu$, which is valid even if dissipative corrections are taken into account.

Regarding the ``paradox'': Temperature is not relative, it is a scalar. The relation in B is only correct in the rest frame. The Doppler effect is of course a real physical effect. The spectrum seen by an observer moving vith relative velocity $v$ is $f\sim\exp(-p\cdot v/T)$, which exhibits a red/blue shift. The spectrum only depends on the relative velocity, as it should. Measuring the spectrum can be used to determine both the relative velocity and the temperature. However, if you look at a distant star you only measure light coming off in one direction. Then, in order to disentangle $u$ and $T$, you need either a spectral line, or information on the absolute luminosity.

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