Sunday, July 19, 2015

kinematics - Are velocity and acceleration smooth quantities?

My thinking:

  1. acceleration corresponds to a force which is instantaneous, so the acceleration of a rigid body can be rather spiky (non-smooth)

  2. velocity (angular velocity) describes the ratio of change of the distance(angle), so it is smooth in the real world.

Conclusion, it makes sense to smooth (e.g., simple averaging) a velocity signal (temporal velocity), but it does not make so much sense to do smoothing on acceleration signal. Am I right?


As far as we know and can test, space is continuous, not discrete. Since space is continuous, then the labels we associate with it (i.e., positions) are also continuous. Calculus requires continuous functions to do the derivative and integral, so this implies that velocities and accelerations are also continuous because they are derivatives of positions: $$ v(t)=\frac{dx(t)}{dt}\qquad a(t)=\frac{dv(t)}{dt}=\frac{d^2x(t)}{dx^2} $$

If you have a discrete spectrum (e.g., measurements at different times/positions), then interpolation (whether linear or some higher-order method) is a necessary and useful tool to reconstruct the smooth distribution that we expect.

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