Saturday, July 18, 2015

quantum field theory - Dimension analysis in Derrick theorem

The following image is taken from p. 85 in the textbook Topological Solitons by N. Manton and P.M. Sutcliffe:

enter image description here enter image description here

What I don't understand from the above statement:

  • why $e(\mu)$ has minimum for $d=2,3$, whereas when $d=4$, $e(\mu)$ is scale independent and stationary points and vacuum solutions are possible?

  • How $e(\mu)$ is a continuous function bounded by zero?


Generalized versions of Derrick's No-Go Theorem compare spatially scaled, non-trivial, time-independent, finite-energy, classical, field-configurations to exclude the existence of static solitons. (Since we are only considering time-independent field-configurations, there is no kinetic energy $T=0$. Therefore the stationary action principle $\delta S=0$ amounts to minimize the (potential) energy $T+V$. Here $S:=\int \! dt ~L$, and $L:=T-V$. See also this Phys.SE post.)

Let $d$ be the number of spatial dimensions. The (potential) energy of the $\mu$-scaled configuration is

$$ \tag{4.22} e(\mu)~=~\sum_{n\in\{0,2,4\}} \mu^{n-d} E_n\geq 0, $$

where we assume that the scale parameter

$$ \tag{A}\mu~\in~]0,\infty[ $$

is strictly positive, and that the energies

$$\tag{B} E_n~\geq ~0, \qquad n\in\{0,2,4\}$$

are non-negative. From this it already follows that the ($\mu$-scaled potential) energy $e:]0,\infty[\to [0,\infty[$ is a non-negative and continuous function, and in particular that it is bounded from below, cf. some of OP's subquestions (v1).

  1. Case $E_0,E_4>0$ and $d\leq 3$: Then $$\tag{C} e(0)~:=~\lim_{\mu\to 0^{+}}e(\mu)~=~\infty~=~\lim_{\mu\to \infty}e(\mu)~=:~e(\infty),$$ so that there must exist an interior$^1$ (relative) minimum, and therefore Derrick's No-Go conclusion does not apply.

  2. Case $d\geq 4$: The function $e$ is monotonically weakly decreasing. [The word weakly means here that it could be (locally) constant.] The only possibility to have an interior minimum (and therefore evade Derrick's No-Go conclusion) is if $E_0=0=E_2$ and if moreover either (i) $d=4$ or (ii) $E_4=0$. The former case corresponds to pure 4+1 gauge theory, which indeed has non-trivial static soliton solutions with $E_4>0$. The latter case corresponds to vacuum solutions $e\equiv 0$. The function $e$ is in both cases a constant function, i.e. independent of the scale $\mu$.

  3. Case $E_0=0=E_2$: The function $e$ is monotonic. The only possibility to have an interior minimum (and therefore evade Derrick's No-Go conclusion) is, if (i) $d=4$, or if (ii) $E_4=0$, i.e. we are back in the previous case (2).


  1. N. Manton and P.M. Sutcliffe, Topological Solitons, 2004, Section 4.2.

  2. S. Coleman, Aspects of symmetry, 1985. Note that Sidney calls solitons for lumps.

  3. R. Rajaraman, Solitons and Instantons: An Introduction to Solitons and Instantons in Quantum Field Theory, 1987.


$^1$ An interior minimum point $\mu$ means that $\mu$ is different from the boundary $0$ and $\infty$.

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