Monday, July 25, 2016

Quantum Entanglement Simulation

Suppose there is a digital "quantum entanglement simulator" with a pair generator and two spin detectors, and it

  1. Allows to create as many pairs as you want (100 pairs per single click)

  2. Allows to measure spin at the detectors in any combination of angles

  3. Allows you to set angle combinations randomly, at any time

My understanding is - it must demonstrate below correlations in order to qualify as a successful digital simulator for entanglement -

  1. Anti-correlation, when particles of any pairs are measured in same angle, they always have opposite spin

  2. Statistical correlation-1 - If you measure numerous particles at a detector, in a specific angle, the outcome must be ~50% up, ~50% down

  3. Statistical correlation-2 - If you measure numerous pairs at two detector, in two angles A and B, the correlation (both up, or both down) should be SQUARE of sin((A-B)/2) times the total number of pairs measured at this angle combination.

My question is - Is there any other type of correlation that needs to be implemented?

If so, what is that correlation?

If no other correlation is required then

Follow-up question is - I have created an online simulator that is functional, and been tested for all three types of correlations at various angle combinations. May I ask people here to try to find flaws with the statistical correlation exhibited by the simulator.

I am not asking to test the simulator (which I have done myself), I mean to verify the correlations.

FYI - The simulator page is pretty self explanatory.

You can provide dummy information as it does not validate the email address.

Just remember the email address you entered, and password for login purpose.

Here is the simulator Does not work on mobile devices.


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