Wednesday, April 12, 2017

standard model - Identification of particles and anti-particles

The identification of an electron as a particle and the positron as an antiparticle is a matter of convention. We see lots of electrons around us so they become the normal particle and the rare and unusual positrons become the antiparticle.

My question is, when you have made the choice of the electron and positron as particle and anti-particle does this automatically identify every other particle (every other fermion?) as normal or anti?

For example the proton is a particle, or rather the quarks inside are. By considering the interactions of an electron with a quark inside a proton can we find something, e.g. a conserved quantity, that naturally identifies that quark as a particle rather than an antiparticle? Or do we also just have to extend our convention so say that a proton is a particle rather than an antiparticle? To complete the family I guess the same question would apply to the neutrinos.


Yes, to some extent. Once you choose which of the electron or positron is to be considered the normal particle, then that fixes your choice for the other leptons, because of neutrino mixing. Similarly, choosing one quark to be the normal particle fixes the choice for the other flavors and colors of quarks. But I can't think of a reason within the standard model that requires you to make corresponding choices for leptons and quarks.

In particle terms, you can think about it like this: say you start by choosing the electron to be the particle and the positron to be the antiparticle. You can then distinguish electron neutrinos and electron antineutrinos because in weak decay processes, an electron is always produced with an antineutrino and a positron with a normal neutrino. Then, because of neutrino oscillations, you can identify the other two species of neutrinos that oscillate with electron antineutrinos as antineutrinos themselves, and in turn you can identify the muon and tau lepton from production associated with their corresponding antineutrinos.

In terms of QFT, the relevant (almost-)conserved quantity is the "charge parity," the eigenvalue of the combination of operators $\mathcal{CP}$.

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