Thursday, April 20, 2017

steganography - Is Dave really mad at me?

I am Patrick. Tonight, I got a mail from my old friend Dave. He was out of town for a while, and got back today.

Well, we had an argument on the phone yesterday, and I think he had hard feelings. I was supposed to pick him up from the airport after he gave me a phone call, but he never called.

Then, I got this strange looking mail. What do you think? Is he really mad at me?

Dear patrick, how are you? i feeL really hAppy being back home!

We should MEet as soon as possible. i bet that my timE here will be very EnjOyaBle. hopefully, i will be free some time at Five pm tomorrow.

how about a couple of beers after Work? maybe there wIll be a happy hour, and we caN driNk cheap beers :)

by the way, I might have soUnded like a douche today when we were talking on the Phone. i must apologize about what i havE said. i could havE been more Understanding about your situation. but you must also admit that you are being too much sensitive after bReaking up with your girlfriend.

we are old friends, mate! we have overcome so Many problems, aNd we can trash this out like We did all the time.

see you tomorrow,

Edit: I have mistyped two letters and I have corrected them now. Sorry.

Hint 1:

How do you read a sentence?

Hint 2:

What do you use a flashlight for?


How I solved it:

Look at the capital letters and use their position in the word to identify which letter you need from the following word.

"Dear patrick": D is in the first position in Dear, so we take the first letter from patrick: P
"EnjOyaBle": We take the 1st, 4th, and 7th letters from the following word (hopefully): HEL

He actually is telling you

Please help me; I am kidnapped!

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