Saturday, April 15, 2017

enigmatic puzzle - A Birthday Gift for You

Happy belated (or early!) birthday to everyone!

Birthday Gift


Building off the other answers (thanks UselessInfoMine and N'Katar), I think I have them all worked out.


DIE, TOYS, SAD (as noted above)
enter image description here


TSAR, SUM (MUST without its end and reversed), REN (Sophia LoREN). enter image description here


HANG (within "sHANGhai" or abduct), LOL (head of LOLLIPOP), KEG (EKG anagram)
enter image description here

For the grids:

Place the answers in their corresponding colored spaces, first letter going in 0, second in 1, etc.


Stack the grids so that three apropos phrases read down: MATROYSHKA, NESTED DOLL and RUSSIAN EGG.

I think that's all.

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