Saturday, May 13, 2017

wavefunction - Hydrogen wave function in momentum space

We can seperate the wave function of an hydrogen atom in a radial and an angle part: $$ \phi_{n,l,m} (\mathbf{r}) = R_{n,l,m}(r) Y_{l,m}(\vartheta,\varphi) \, , $$ where $Y_{l,m}$ are the spherical harmonics.
My question is: How does this look like in momentum space? Is the general form preserved? Do we get as well a radial and an angle dependent part?


To get it in the momentum representation, one has to do the Fourier transform of this function. This reference can be useful:

At the end, separation of variables after transformation to the momentum space is not trivial, and the mixing of quantum number is presented.

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