Wednesday, June 20, 2018

newtonian mechanics - Can we write $vec L=vec rtimes vec p$ for an extended object?

Say we have a rod with a fixed axis of rotation. If we give it a push at some point other than the axis, it will start to rotate. Say our force is $F$, then we might write: $\Delta P=F\Delta t$. I’m wondering how to incorporate angular momentum here. We know that for a single particle it holds that $L=r\times p$. And for an extended object with a fixed axis of rotation, we generally might write $L=I\omega$. However, can I write $L=r\times p$ too for the extended object? I would think that I would need to integrate. So we have $p_\alpha=m_\alpha v_\alpha=m_\alpha r_\alpha\omega$, where we consider an infinitesimal mass $\alpha$. So should I write $L=\int r^2\omega\,dm$? I’m confused whether to work with this integral, or just use $L=r\Delta P$ at once.

The reason I'm asking, is because I'm trying to calculate the sweet spot of a baseball bat. So this is my attempt at solving the exercise.

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