Thursday, June 21, 2018

pattern - An Olympic Connecting Wall

In honor of Rio 2016, here’s a connecting wall about the Olympics! The 16 clues below can be sorted into four connected groups of 4. What are the groups and their connections?

enter image description here

Text version:

| Parry | Right of way | Middle | Extension |

| Fly | Bekele | Croquet | Heavy |
| Young | Usage | Bout | Bolt |
| Thrust | Walker | Bantam | Johnson |


  1. Bout, Thrust, Extension, Right of way

Terms used in fencing

  1. Walker, Bekele, Johnson, Young

Olympic running record holders (Melaine Walker, Michael Johnson, Kenenisa Bekele, Kevin Young)

  1. Fly, Bantam, Middle, Heavy

Boxing weights

  1. Croquet, Bolt, Usage, Parry

The first three letters are IOC country codes (Croatia, Bolivia, United States, Paraguay)

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