Monday, June 11, 2018

riddle - Don't get caught by the Hang Man

Bringing back the Backwards Hangman (created by Alex, see here for the first).

fill in an "f" - The devil may carry.
fill in a "d" - Probably has glasses.
fill in a "c" - Popped at the party.
fill in a "w" - A lot of this went into the first 3.

As always, your answer should be in form of:

The question was: _ p p l e

followed by explanation of how it fits each clue.


the question was

_ o r k

fill in an "f" - The devil may carry.

the devil's pitchfork

fill in a "d" - Probably has glasses.

dork / nerd stereotypically wears glasses

fill in a "c" - Popped at the party.

cork from a wine bottle

fill in a "w" - A lot of this went into the first 3.

work, it certainly did!

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