Monday, February 18, 2019

enigmatic puzzle - A princess fell in love

Once upon a time there was a princess.

She fell in love with a prince, wrote him a letter and sent it via Celeste, who was always willing to help. The prince was Laniff III and was in love with the princess, too.

However, there were a lot of political issues between the two kingdoms, so they should have kept it covert. Unfortunately, Celeste was caught and they hanged her for treason.

The princess was devastated and cried her eyes dry. She was ready to go to the prince and give up her crown. So she hopped on a horse and started her journey.

What was the message in the letter?


I am sure it is:

Select the third letter in the last word of each sentence.


I love you

Kirex and TwoBitOperation (and OP)'s constant hints which made it possible to solve this:

In the story appear two names: Celeste and Laniff III, which anagrammed can be read as Select E and Final F and the III as third. If we get rid of the spare E and the spare F we obtain Select Final Third. Therefore we can reach the conclusion commented on the first spoiler: Select the third letter in the last word of each sentence.

In factit made it ridiculously easy.

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