Thursday, February 28, 2019

riddle - I can be quite bright but I'm never right. Can you guess who I am?

I can be quite bright but I'm never right.
I support you in peace and protect you in fight.

I'm seldom alone and when I am, there's no use.
Even when you select me, another you choose.

You never ask how I'm doing, even when I'm blue.
I might be unhealthy but I can't catch a flu.

Sometimes I'm in transit and sometimes home I'll stay.
Sometimes you can see a person who for me will pray.

If you don't have me at all, you're poor not having a dime
Or you might simply have fallen as a victim of crime.

I can hurt you and wound you and even make you bleed.
Regardless of your pain, I'm something you still need.

I might be unwanted but also an object of desire.
I could be damaged by earth, water and fire.

I could be expensive or cheap or even free.
When people look at you, they often see me.

You'll be both arrogant and humble if I'm put on your head.
I often bear a name that someone else before me had.

What am I?

  • We're looking for a common everyday object.

  • It's not anything abstract as "love" or "energy".

  • It's not symbolic as "the letter A" or "peace sign".


Okay, I think I've got it:

A left shoe

I can be quite bright but I'm never right. I support you in peace and protect you in fight.

Shoes can be flashy. Left shoe isn't right. Supports you, and you can kick people with it

I'm seldom alone and when I am, there's no use. Even when you select me, another you choose.

Mostly useful in pairs

You never ask how I'm doing, even when I'm blue. I might be unhealthy but I can't catch a flu.

Shoes can be blue, but you still don't inquire about their health. And a shoe can be nasty!

Sometimes I'm in transit and sometimes home I'll stay. Sometimes you can see a person who for me will pray.

You want with them or leave them behind. Some people are desperate for particular examples.

If you don't have me at all, you're poor not having a dime Or you might simply have fallen as a victim of crime.

Even very poor people have shoes.

I can hurt you and wound you and even make you bleed. Regardless of your pain, I'm something you still need.

Shoes hurt you, and can make you bleed, but you still need them.

I might be unwanted but also an object of desire. I could be damaged by earth, water and fire.

Unwanted old shoe vs designer shoe. Some are susceptible to damage from mud, water or fire.

I could be expensive or cheap or even free. When people look at you, they often see me.

Range of shoes available. Put your best foot forward. Shoes are often noticed.

You'll be both arrogant and humble if I'm put on your head. I often bear a name that someone else before me had.

Shoes sometimes have the name of their designer. A shoe on the head could be a sign of madness or a very eccentric hat such as an aristocrat might wear.

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