Sunday, September 8, 2019

logical deduction - No ordinary magic square

Instead of placing every number from 1-9 in the square below such that each column, row and long diagonal has the same sum, do the opposite!

Place 1-9 in the squares below in a manner such that none of the columns, rows or long diagonals have the same sum:

enter image description here

Edit: The question above seemed too easy for many of you. Lets take the next step. Please count or calculate the number of possible correct answers to the same question.

No ordinary magic square part 2. How many solutions are there?


The following is a solution

1 2 9
4 5 7
6 8 3


Sum of rows, then sum of columns, then diagonals.

129 = 12, 457 = 16, 683 = 17, 146 = 11, 258 = 15, 973 = 19, 153 = 9, 956 = 20

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