Saturday, September 7, 2019

sliding blocks - Wednesday's Blocking Donimoes Problem

I've designed a set of dominoes puzzles that I call Donimoes. You slide the dominoes like the cars in Nob Yoshigahara's Rush Hour puzzle, always along their long axis. The goal of Blocking Donimoes is to slide all the dominoes into a rectangle, without sliding any matching numbers next to each other. See Monday's problem for complete rules and and an example solution. Tuesday's problem would make a good warmup.

Today's problem is a little bigger and a little harder. Good luck, and post your solution as an answer.

starting position

If you like this puzzle, watch for new problems every day this week.


The first order of business is to slide the 12 domino out of the way so that we can slide the 13 domino to the right:

22UU, 16UU, 34RR, 00DD, 25R, 45R, 12D, 13RR

That having been done, we can now push everything else from the centre back where it came from:

12U, 45L, 25L, 00UU, 34LL

and then form a rectangle:

16D, 22D, 03U, 14U

and the puzzle is solved (assuming I haven't made any mistakes, which may well be the case given that I don't have a set of dominoes with me).

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