Thursday, April 30, 2015

classical mechanics - Why does friction cause a car to turn?

I've had a lot of difficulty conceptually understanding the physics of how a car turns on an unbanked curve, so I'm hoping you could help me out. When a car is moving in uniform circular motion, we know that $|\vec{a}| = \frac{v^2}{r}$, and the direction of acceleration is towards the radius of the circle about which the car is moving. Drawing a free body diagram for the car shows that there are only three forces acting on it: gravity $(\vec{F_g})$, the normal force $(\vec{F_n})$, and friction $(\vec{F_f})$. Since gravity and the normal force negate each other, the car isn't accelerating in the $y$ direction. Because it is in uniform circular motion we know it is accelerating in the $x$ direction, and summing up the forces in this direction yields $$\vec{F_{net x}}=m\vec{a}=\vec{F_f}$$ which implies that the centripetal acceleration is due to the frictional force.

What I am having difficulty understanding is why this intuitively makes sense. I've read some other people's answers on this question but I haven't found anything satisfactory. In particular, many people talk about how wheels "are pushing the pavement to the left or right", and this causes the pavement to exert a force on the car wheels by Newton's third law, but this hasn't made sense to me.

Another way of putting this might be that I don't understand why friction should be directed inwards towards the center of the circle about which one is turning. I would expect that, since the wheels have been turned, that friction would be directed in the opposite direction of where the car is moving to prevent the car from continuing to move forward and skidding on the road.

I hope this makes sense, thanks.


I had fun trying to make this as intuitive as possible. I hope I've succeeded without doing the physics of the situation much injustice.

When a car is driving straight ahead, the plane in which the wheels are rotating is aligned with the direction of movement. Another way of saying this is that the rotation axis is perpendicular to the momentum vector $\vec{p}=m\vec{v}$ of the car. So the friction merely makes it harder for the car to move, which is part of the reason why you need to put your foot on the gas pedal to maintain a constant speed. At the same time, the friction is what allows you to maintain that constant speed because the rotating tires sort of grab onto the ground, which is the intuitive picture of friction. The tires grab the ground and pull/push it backwards beneath themselves, as you would do when dragging yourself over the floor (if it had handles to grab onto). Those grabbing and pulling/pushing forces are what keeps you going.

Things change when the wheels are turned. The plane in which they are rotating now is at an angle with the direction of motion. Alternatively but equivalently, we could say the rotation axis now makes an angle with the momentum vector of the car. To see how friction then makes the car turn, think again in terms of the wheels grabbing onto the ground. The fact that they now make an angle with the direction of motion, means the force the tires are exerting is also at an angle with the direction of motion - or equivalently, the momentum vector.

Now, a force is a change in momentum$^1$ and so (because the wheels are part of the rigid body that is a car) this force will change the direction of the car's momentum vector until it is aligned with the exerted force. Imagine dragging yourself forward on a straight line of handles on the floor and then suddenly grabbing hold of a handle slightly to one side instead of the one straight ahead. You'll steer yourself away from the original direction in which you were headed.

$^1$ Mathematically: $$\vec{F}=\frac{d\vec{p}}{dt}$$

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