Tuesday, April 7, 2015

newtonian mechanics - Instantaneous Centre of Rotation

Let's say a body is undergoing both rotational and translational motion.

I know that ICR of the body as a whole will be the point about which the body is doing pure rotation, so basically will be the point with zero velocity, and that it will lie where perpendiculars to the velocities of each point intersect. I heard about a concept of ICR of each point, defined as "The point about which the given point rotates". Can you please explain this concept, of individual ICRs? Also, how can we calculate its location, and is it same as the centre of curvature for that point?

Please take a look at this - ICR == Centre of Curvature

As you can see, the ICR of the yellow point lies on the yellow broken line, and its distance is given by 4R and not 2R. Similarly of the green one is double that of its distance from the common ICR. The point where they both intersect is the ICR of the body as a whole, but then the individual points have different ICRs too. Please explain.

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