Sunday, April 5, 2015

electromagnetic radiation - What is the relationship between Faraday cage mesh size and attenuation of cell phone reception signals?

This is related to the question how can electromagnetic waves reach a cell phone in faraday cage?, where in the answer it was stated that the holes (=size of the mesh) would need to be smaller than that of the wavelengths of the EM radiation used for cell phone signals for attenuation to 'start'.

Also, in the question Should a Faraday cage block a radio's signal? where the focus of the question is on AM radio frequencies (which I know are not the same used by cell phones), but the idea was using baking trays, effectively making a Faraday 'box'. However, it lead to the question Building a Faraday cage for mobile networks that is transparent for optical wavelengths, which looked at blocking cell phone signals using a cage, but still allowing optical wavelengths in.

However, I am seeking to know the answer to is there is a relationship between a grounded Faraday cage mesh hole size (relative to the cellphone signal used) and cell phone reception attenuation?

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