Monday, October 17, 2016

homework and exercises - Why does not ice float in this case just instantly after melting?

I encountered this question:

A cube of ice of edge 4 cm is placed in an empty cylinder of glass of inner diameter 6 cm. Assume that ice melts uniformly from each side so that it always retains its cubical shape. Remembering that ice is lighter than water, find the length of the edge of the ice cube at the instant it just leaves contact with the bottom of the glass.

My question is, since density of ice < density of water, it should always float. So, just after the instant ice melts, it should float. So in this question, why does the ice float only after a certain time period after melting?

And, if density of water = density of object, suppose we keep it at an arbitrary depth H by force, then release it, does it keep floating at that position only or does it attain a particular depth?

Really confused.

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