Saturday, March 11, 2017

What is the relationship between symmetry and degeneracy in quantum mechanics?

Let me remind you about the following classical examples in quantum mechanics.

Example 1. Bound states in 1-dim potential V(x).
Let $V(x)$ be a symmetric potential i.e. $$V(x) = V(-x)$$ Let us introduce the parity operator $\hat\Pi$ in the following way: $$\hat\Pi f(x) = f(-x).$$ It is obvious that $$[\hat H,\hat\Pi] = 0.$$ Therefore, for any eigenfunction of $\hat H$ we have: $$\hat H|\psi_E(x)\rangle = E|\psi_E(x)\rangle = E\hat\Pi|\psi_E(x)\rangle,$$ i.e. state $\hat\Pi|\psi_E(x)\rangle$ is eigenfunction with the same eigenvalue. Is $E$ a degenerate level? No, because of linear dependence of $|\psi\rangle$ and $\hat\Pi|\psi\rangle.$

Consider the second example.

Example 2. Bound states in 3-dim a potential $V(r)$. Where $V(r)$ possesses central symmetry, i.e. depends only on distance to center.
In that potential we can choose eigenfunction of angular momentum $\hat L^2$ for basis $$|l,m\rangle,$$ where $l$ is total angular momentum and $m$ - its projection on chosen axis (usually $z$). Because of isotropy eigenfunction with different $m$ but the same $l$ correspond to one energy level and linearly independent. Therefore, $E_l$ is a degenerate level.

My question is if there is some connection between symmetries and degeneracy of energy levels. Two cases are possible at the first sight:

  1. Existence of symmetry $\Rightarrow$ Existence of degeneracy

  2. Existence of degeneracy $\Rightarrow$ Existence of symmetry

It seems like the first case is not always fulfilled as shown in the first example. I think case 1 may be fulfilled if there is continuous symmetry. I think the second case is always true.

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