Tuesday, May 9, 2017

anyons - Majorana particles statistics

What is the influence of Hermitian condition ($\psi=\psi^{\dagger}$) of Majorana fermions operators in their statistical behavior?

A Majorana fermion gas must obey the Fermi-Dirac statistics, or their stastistical behavior may be anyonic?


Majorana fermions as defined in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majorana_fermion are really fermions, as its name indicates. So Majorana fermion really have Fermi statistics. It is not proper to say Majorana fermions obey non-abelian statistics, since fermion always obey Fermi statistics by definition.

The thing that people said to have non-Abelian statistics are defects (such as vortices's) that carry a zero-energy mode. Such a thing is not Majorana fermions. Calling a zero mode as a Majorana fermion is really confusing.

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