Tuesday, September 12, 2017

riddle - difficile est saturam non legere

Well, my last question wasn't received that well, nevertheless I will make a better one, besides you will need all the answers you can get.


Now I can't leave you with a stupid cryptogram and another strange title, can I?

I did that one time, this time it's not that simple because what I am looking for cannot be described in words. It is however, the answer in more ways than one.

Hint #1

My words are well chosen, mistakes are never made.

Hint #2

This one time I will layout the pad before you.

Hint #3

The previous question is more useful than you might think

Hint #4

If you know vcejssnr then something in the previous question must be familiar, if not google.

Hint #5

the answer is the driving factor for the entirety of the story

If you take away anything from this puzzle let it be that

the book mentioned in the answer is worth a read :)


The cryptogram decodes to:


which results from the cipher text of vcejssnr and a key (one time pad) of scribere

So, the answer to the riddle could be:

the number 3

In Dan Brown's novel, the Digital Fortress is the name of a new encryption algorithm that cannot be broken by the NSA. This relates to the one time pad encryption method that, also, cannot be broken when properly used.

Another link is the quote from the previous question "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" which was used in this novel. As described in the previous question, this sentence was written by the Roman poet, Juvenal, in his Satires collection of poems (which also relates to the title of this question).

Assuming that "cannot be described in words" means that "the answer is a number", then the number 3 is most significant in this novel. The kill code for the virus was 3.

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