Friday, May 31, 2019

calculation puzzle - Number of days to fill the Lake with 1/32th part

There is a lake in which every day some new lotus flowers grow. Their growth follows a pattern; if on a given day there are X flowers, then on the next day there will be 2X flowers will be there. So everyday the number of flowers gets doubled.

Now the main question is:

If the whole lake gets covered with lotus flowers in 13 days, then how many days does it take to cover only 1/32th part of the lake?


Assuming you mean 1/32th:

It should take 8 days.

On day 9 you'll have 1/16th

On day 10 you'll have 1/8th
On day 11 you'll have 1/4th
On day 12 you'll have 1/2nd
On day 13 you'll have a full lake.

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