Friday, May 17, 2019

string theory - Question on $E_8$ and twistor space

The Kahler $4$ form constructed from two-forms $\{\alpha, \beta\} \in H^2(M,\mathbb Z)$, and $M$ a $4$-manifold, is induced by $\alpha\wedge\beta$ with the map $H^2(M, \mathbb Z)\otimes H^2(M, \mathbb Z) \rightarrow$ $H^4(M, \mathbb Z)$. This defines the topological charge $$ 8\pi k = \langle\omega(\alpha\cup\beta)\rangle = \int\omega. $$ This is geometrically the number of ways these two forms intersect, and the four-form $\omega$ is then an intersection form.

Milnor [On Simply Connected 4-manifolds, Symp. Int. Top. Alg., Mexico (1958) 122-128] demonstrated that for $$ M = \{z_0, z_1, z_2, z_4 \in \mathbb CP^3: z_0^4 + z_1^4 + z_2^4 + z_4^4 = 0\}, $$ the Kummer surface, that this intersection form is given by $$ [E_8]\oplus[E_8]\oplus3\left(\begin{array}{c,c} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0\end{array}\right). $$ Here $[E_8]$ is the Cartan center matrix for the exceptional $E_8$ group.

This leads to a couple of questions or observations. One of them is that $\mathbb CP^3$ is projective twistor space $\mathbb P\mathbb T^+$. Twistor projective space is $$ \mathbb P\mathbb T^+ = SU(2,2)/SU(2,1)\times U(1) \simeq SO(4,2)/SO(4,1)\times SO(2). $$ This is a Hermitian symmetric space. The question is then whether the global symmetries given by the Kahler form are a set of global symmetries reduced from the local symmetries of $E_8\times E_8 \sim$ $SO(32)$. This could also be carried to Witten's supertwistor space $\mathbb C\mathbb T^{3|4}$ as well.

String theory requires a background for gravitation. String theory then demands there be some global spacetime symmetry, say a set of global symmetries at the conformal $i^0$. The rest of string theory involves entirely local symmetries. Along the lines of this question, is this relationship between global and local symmetries (assuming my hypothesis here is correct) the reason string theory requires background dependency, such as type II strings on $AdS_5$. The twistor space here has a relationship with the anti-de Sitter spacetime, being quotient groups of $SO(4,2)$ with different divisors.

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