Wednesday, October 12, 2016

number sequence - SafeCracker #3 - We've Been Blocked

SafeCracker 3 enter image description here

Our Last Safe To Conquer

Ok, team, this one might give us a little trouble. Nothing we can't handle though... let's go...

This safe model is "The NevaCrak 9000" - the most secure safe there is.

Our only way in is to look at our puzzle, and simply find the block that doesn't belong.

A couple blocks are blank and are to be ignored. Only concern yourself with blocks with numbers and letters. Also disregard any of the flaire going on in the background.


Everything is riding on you... go open that bad boy!

And here is the NevaCrak 9000

Which block does not belong??

( only one correct answer, no tricks or worplay involved )

The Safe


The odd one out is the

green block with 5246.

This is because

for all the other numbers on the other blocks, combining the first and last digits and dividing by 2 gave the middle two digits. However, 5246 does not apply to that rule. To conform it to that rule, it would have to be 4248 (one of many possible fixes)...

Safe Cracked!

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