Thursday, December 15, 2016

quantum field theory - How to prove useful property of logarithm of generating functional in QFT?

How to prove that $\ln(Z(J))$ generates only connected Feynman diagrams? I can't find the proof of this statement, and have only met its demonstrations for case of 2- and 4-point.


Assume that the generating functional is given by a sum of all possible diagrams, i.e.

$$Z(J)=\sum_{n_i} D_{n_i}.$$

Furthermore, assume that each diagram D is given by a product of connected diagrams $C_i$, i.e. a diagram D can be disconnected. We will write this as


where dividing by $n_i!$ amounts for a symmetry factor coming from exchanges of propagators and vertices between different diagrams. Combining this with our first expression, we get


With some manipulation, this can be shown to be equivalent to

$$Z(J)=\exp\left(\sum_i C_i\right).$$

Taking the logarithm on both sides gives you the desired expression.

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