Thursday, December 22, 2016

word - Teapot Riddle no.6

Here's riddle numero 6:
Same rules as always:
I have one word which has several (2 or more) meanings.
Each of the meanings is a teapot (first, second ...)
You try to figure out the word with my Hints


First Hint

My first teapot is designed pragmaticly
My second teapot is designed for glamour

Second Hint

My first teapot is partly of metal
My second teapot is fully made of metal

Third Hint

My first teapot is commonly known for real pain
My second teapot too, loooool

Final Hint

My first teapot has bindings on its sides
My secongs teapot is a symbol for binding

Good luck and have much fun :)

for more fun checkout my riddle no.5


I think it is

a ring (boxing and wedding)


boxing ring is pragmatic arena, wedding ring is glamorous
boxing ring has some metal, wedding ring is all metal
boxing ring causes pain, so does wedding ring (sometimes :) )
boxing ring has bindings on the sides, wedding ring binds two together

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