Wednesday, July 19, 2017

homework and exercises - Relationship between the the slit width $w$ and source distance $d$

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I read in a text of optics Eugene Hecht where i got that, missing fringes in a double-slit interference experiment results when diffraction minima cancel interference maxima.

Is there any relationship between the the slit width w and source distance d, so I can tell when the maxima could be missing?


In my (ancient) copy of Hecht and Zajac (1980), the answer is found in figure 10.18. It shows that for slit spacing $a$ and slit width $b$, peaks in the diffraction pattern are spaced $\lambda/d$ while the first zero due to the finite width is at $\lambda/b$. In the figure, $a = 3b$ and the third peak is suppressed:

enter image description here

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