Sunday, August 19, 2018

logical deduction - Ultimate Puzzling Challenge: Puzzle A2

Note: story starts here

Bob (aka you) happily goes to the challenge organizers, ready to go on. You get a small large note:

Hi challenger,
Looks like you're on to puzzle A2! This is a bit harder, but oh well. I'll give you 2 hints. There will be 3 clues and 3 numbers- L1-L3 and N1-N3. L1-L3's answers will be cities. L1/N1 go together, L2/N2, and L3/N3.
- Mr. Riddle Guy

Ok, so obviously, Bob asks for the clues. Here they are:

L1/N1: The world's only 3rd level enclave./12386.187
L2/N2: I am the U.S. state capital that you can't drive to/4593.197
L3/N3:Two sister islands, in different countries, an important line passes through them./6167.350


What was that word again from A1? di-something? Also, SI > Customary.

What place is next?


The three places are these:


Dahala Khagrabari




Diomede Islands


Drawing a circle with the given radius (in km) around each location, all three circles intersect in New York City.

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