Tuesday, August 21, 2018

mathematics - Nerd on the Loose I - WHEN

Chat. I've created a chat room in case anyone wish to discuss this further.

Preface. This is the first time I'm creating a puzzle. Since I find enjoyment in science and technology, the series of puzzles I'll be creating will revolve around such topics. I might provide warning as a form of hint when technical knowledge are required. Fret not, it would not be too advance. I hope you will enjoy solving them.

Background. Professor Swannie Taco is a genius in most fields of science and technology. She is probably hated by her parents, and her name is a perfect evidence. After Swannie went missing a few months ago, strange letters from her kept appearing on her G+ account. Nobody knows who exactly post these messages, nor understand the content of these seemingly cryptic memo.


1. For this particular puzzle, the only information required to solve it is the post.

2. Knowledge of programming is not required. The necessary ideas are given as clues.
3. At one part of the puzzle, some ideas are simplified. You'll know when you reach it.
4. The "more" links on hints are for interested nerds who want to explore more. It is not required.


1. She is knowledgeable in physical science and computer science.
2. GNU stands for GNU is Not Unix. More
3. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it might not be a duck. More
4. Since physics is fun, reciprocate frequently.

5. Again, she love physical science, you know, like chemistry. More
7. To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion. More
8. Imaginary number squared produces negative one. More

Overview. It was a few months after Professor Swannie went missing, when suddenly, she posted a riddle her G+ page, which seemingly tries to predict the doomsday.

Post. Definition of dynamite: Imaginary For all cases, functions are not sensitive... Every iteration, a year went by... When the next struck, doomsday shall arrive... I shall overturn this world through my wisdom of science...

Task. Figure out the date of her predicted doomsday.


Is it in four years? 'When the next struck' I interpreted as 'when dynamite is dynamite again'. Every year the function is applied. After one year dynamite becomes i * dynamyte. after two years i * i * dynamite = -1 * dynamite. After three years i * -1 * dynamyte = -i * dynamite. After four years i * -i * dynamite = dynamite again.

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