Thursday, August 30, 2018

riddle - Chewed, Wielded and Legendary - What am I?

    I have teeth, but can be chewed.

    I alone am worshipped, but those who wield me are too.

    I reside among legends, but a myth I am not.

What am I?

Edit: Huge apologies as I was using yield and not wield. I think that may have been what was throwing some people off.


The one you would bite is not physically the same as the one you would wield.

Hint 2:

The concept of wielding is important - don't disregard it as other answers have.

Hint 3:

In the past I was worshiped symbolically not physically - but not in modern day


Second try since the 'yield' line was changed to 'wield':

You are searching for a...


I have teeth, but can be chewed.

The three spikes are the teeth, Trident chewing gum

I alone am worshipped, but those who wield me are too.

Its a precious weapon. And the god Poseidon is whorshipped.

I reside among legends, but a myth I am not.

Well a god might be a legend, but the item sure isn't

My first try, OLD ANSWER: I go with:


I have teeth,

Gold grillz

but can be chewed.

Gold is a kinda easy to bend metal. So some people bite it, to see, if it's real Athletes chewing gold medal

I alone am worshipped, but those who yield me are too.

Gold digger

I reside among legends, but a myth I am not.

Funerary goods. Like in a Pharaoh's grave.

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