Saturday, December 15, 2018

riddle - A James Bond Mystery

Inspired by @DEEM's amazing Grandpa Puzzles, I decided to make my own (ran out of ideas for the title so I just picked James Bond)

So, one day you meet the famous James Bond and since you are a huge fan, you asked him the things that he liked and didn't like. Surprisingly, he said this :

I like to lead, but I don't like the number 2

I like bears, but I don't like knights

I like to be mean, but for some odd reason, I don't like the sun

I like to lie to others, but I don't like to be frank

So, what is the reason behind his liking and disliking of random things?

Note :

Will give more examples as hints in the future


James Bond likes


and dislikes



lead, bears, mean, lie - are all homographs, while 2 (to), knights (nights), sun (son) and frank (Frank) are homophones. Homographs have multiple meanings, and James Bond likes them because he doesn't like to be frank :)

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