Sunday, October 26, 2014

quantum field theory - Divergent Series

Why is it that divergent series make sense?

Specifically, by basic calculus a sum such as $1 - 1 + 1 ...$ describes a divergent series (where divergent := non-convergent sequence of partial sums) but, as described in these videos, one can use Euler, Borel or generic summation to arrive at a value of $\tfrac{1}{2}$ for this sum.

The first apparent indication that this makes any sense is the claim that the summation machine 'really' works in the complex plane, so that, for a sum like $1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... = -1$ there is some process like this:

enter image description here

going on on a unit circle in the complex plane, where those lines will go all the way back to $-1$ explaining why it gives that sum.

The claim seems to be that when we have a divergent series it is a non-convergent way of representing a function, thus we just need to change the way we express it, e.g. in the way one analytically continues the Gamma function to a larger domain. This claim doesn't make any sense out of the picture above, & I don't see (or can't find or think of) any justification for believing it.

Futhermore there is this notion of Cesaro summation one uses in Fourier theory. For some reason one can construct these Cesaro sums to get convergence when you have a divergent Fourier series & prove some form of convergence, where in the world does such a notion come from? It just seems as though you are defining something to work when it doesn't, obviously I'm missing something.

I've really tried to find some answers to these questions but I can't. Typical of the explanations is this summary of Hardy's divergent series book, just plowing right ahead without explaining or justifying the concepts.

I really need some general intuition for these things for beginning to work with perturbation series expansions in quantum mechanics & quantum field theory, finding 'the real' expanation for WKB theory etc. It would be so great if somebody could just say something that links all these threads together.

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