Sunday, December 27, 2015

What's the physical significance of the off-diagonal element in the matrix of moment of inertia

In classical mechanics about rotation of rigid object, the general problem is to study the rotation on a given axis so we need to figure out the moment of inertia around some axes. In 3-dimensional case, we have a matrix (i.e. moment of inertia tensor)

$$ I = \left( \begin{matrix} I_{xx} & I_{xy} & I_{xz}\\ I_{xy} & I_{yy} & I_{yz}\\ I_{zx} & I_{zy} & I_{zz} \end{matrix} \right) $$

I am curious what's the physical significance of the matrix element. I guess the moment of inertia in element $ij$ is the moment of inertia when the object is rotating about the axis $ij$. For example, $I_{xy}$ is the moment of inertia when the object is rotating about $xy$ axis and $I_{yy}$ is the moment of inertia when the object is rotating about $y$ axis, is that correct?

When I read further into the text, it then introduce the a method to diagonalize the moment of inertia tensor such that the non-vanishing elements only appears on diagonal. In that case, the text call the diagonal elements as the principal moment of inertia, my question is what's the physical significance of the principal moment of inertia?

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